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Produkte zum Begriff Website:

  • Social Media Marketing: Strategies for Engaging in Facebook, Twitter & Other Social Media
    Social Media Marketing: Strategies for Engaging in Facebook, Twitter & Other Social Media

    Profit Big from Social Media: Strategies and Solutions That Work!   Using new social media marketing techniques, you can deepen relationships with your most passionate, profitable customers—and create more of them than ever before! In this 100% practical book, world-renowned expert Li Evans shows exactly how to make the most of social media—in any company, in any industry. You’ll discover exactly how to customize your best social networking strategy…then staff it, organize it, manage its risks, and execute it successfully! Evans shows how to understand your audience, enter the conversation, build trust, protect your brand, integrate social media into existing marketing programs, measure your results…and profit big from today’s hottest new social media sites and platforms!   Topics include Make the most of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Flickr, and more Define goals and customize strategy to maximize Return on Conversation (ROC) Understand the whole conversation about you and all the communities you serve Manage legal, compliance, and ethical challenges Plan social media policies for your company’s employees Extend customer service into social media Maintain consistent branding and messaging Complement your SEO, PPC, offline marketing, and PR efforts Learn how to integrate traditional marketing tactics (TV, radio, print) with your social media marketing strategy

    Preis: 11.76 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Pauliks, Kevin: Meme Marketing in Social Media
    Pauliks, Kevin: Meme Marketing in Social Media

    Meme Marketing in Social Media , Meme Marketing ist zu einer gängigen Medienpraxis in der Werbewirtschaft geworden. Viele Unternehmen werben in den Sozialen Medien mit Memes, um Aufmerksamkeit für ihre Marken, Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu generieren sowie zu signalisieren, dass sie zur digitalen Medienkultur dazugehören. Die Verwendung von Memes ist allerdings risikobehaftet. Wenn Werbende nicht über die Medienpraktiken des Memeing Bescheid wissen, besteht die Gefahr, dass sie Memes falsch verwenden und von ihrer Zielgruppe verlacht oder ausgeschlossen werden. Subkulturen auf Plattformen wie Reddit achten penibel darauf, ihre Medienkultur vor Außenstehenden zu schützen. Werbende stehen dort unter Verdacht, Memes nur für Profite auszunutzen. Wie verhält sich nun das anti-kommerzielle Produzieren, Zirkulieren und Rezipieren von Memes in den Sozialen Medien zur visuellen Verwendung von Memes in der Werbung? Diese Frage beantwortet Kevin Pauliks in acht medienpraxeografischen Proben, die den Unterschied von Memeing und Meme Marketing untersuchen und anhand unterschiedlicher Marken wie IKEA, Gucci, Siemens, Sixt aufzeigen, wie Memes in der Werbung verwendet werden. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 32.00 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Pflüger, Gero: Social-Media-Marketing für Dummies
    Pflüger, Gero: Social-Media-Marketing für Dummies

    Social-Media-Marketing für Dummies , Kein Zweifel: Über soziale Medien erreichen Sie Ihre Kunden authentisch und persönlich. Allerdings ist die Komplexität von Social-Media-Marketing hoch und die Gefahr groß, Zeit und Geld in den Sozialen Medien zu verpulvern. Dieses Buch gibt Ihnen einen einfachen Leitfaden an die Hand, mit dem Sie erfolgreich im Social Web werben. Profitieren Sie von der Erfahrung des Autors: Gero Pflüger zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie Ihre Wunschkunden finden, Ihre Ziele definieren, eine Marketingstrategie passend zu Ihren Ressourcen planen, Ihren Erfolg messen und Ihren Arbeitseinsatz optimieren. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen

    Preis: 26.00 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Search Engine Marketing, Inc.: Driving Search Traffic to Your Company's Website
    Search Engine Marketing, Inc.: Driving Search Traffic to Your Company's Website

    The #1 Step-by-Step Guide to Search Marketing Success...Now Updated and Reorganized to Help You Drive Even More Value   For years, Search Engine Marketing, Inc. has been the definitive practical guide to driving value from search. Now, Mike Moran and Bill Hunt have completely rewritten their best-seller to present valuable new strategies, best practices, and lessons from experience.   Their revamped and reorganized Third Edition introduces a holistic approach that integrates organic and paid search, and complements them both with social media. This new approach can transform the way you think about search, plan it, and profit from it.   Moran and Hunt address every business, writing, and technical element of successful search engine marketing. Whatever your background, they help you fill your skills gaps and leverage the experience you already have.   You’ll learn how search engines and search marketing work today, and how to segment searchers based on their behavior, successfully anticipating what they’re looking for. You’ll walk through formulating your custom program: identifying goals, assessing where you stand, estimating costs, choosing strategy, and gaining buy-in. Next, you’ll focus on execution: identifying challenges, diagnosing and fixing problems, measuring performance, and continually improving your program. You’ll learn how to Focus relentlessly on business value, not tactics Overcome the obstacles that make search marketing so challenging Get into your searcher’s mind, and discover how her behavior may change based on situation or device Understand what happens technically when a user searches—and make the most of that knowledge Create a focused program that can earn the support it will need to succeed Clarify your goals and link them to specific measurements Craft search terms and copy that attracts your best prospects and customers Optimize content by getting writers and tech people working together Address the critical challenges of quality in both paid and organic search Avoid overly clever tricks that can destroy your effectiveness Identify and resolve problems as soon as they emerge Redesign day-to-day operating procedures to optimize search performance Whether you’re a marketer, tech professional, product manager, or content specialist, this guide will help you define realistic goals, craft a best-practices program for achieving them, and implement it flawlessly.   NEW COMPANION WEBSITE PACKED WITH TOOLS AND RESOURCES includes exclusive tools, deeper explorations of key search management techniques, and updates on emerging trends in the field  

    Preis: 20.32 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie kann man mit Hilfe von Social Media und Suchmaschinenoptimierung erfolgreich Online Marketing betreiben?

    Durch regelmäßige und ansprechende Beiträge auf Social Media Plattformen können Unternehmen ihre Reichweite erhöhen und Kundenbindung stärken. Mit Suchmaschinenoptimierung können Unternehmen ihre Sichtbarkeit in den Suchergebnissen verbessern und mehr Traffic auf ihre Website lenken. Eine Kombination aus beiden Strategien kann dazu beitragen, die Online-Präsenz zu steigern und den Umsatz zu steigern.

  • Muss man Affiliate-Marketing auf Social Media als Werbung kennzeichnen?

    Ja, laut den Richtlinien der meisten sozialen Medienplattformen muss Affiliate-Marketing als Werbung gekennzeichnet werden. Dies dient dazu, Transparenz für die Nutzer zu gewährleisten und sie darüber zu informieren, dass es sich um eine bezahlte Partnerschaft handelt. Es ist wichtig, die jeweiligen Richtlinien der Plattform zu beachten, um mögliche Verstöße zu vermeiden.

  • Was sind die wichtigsten Strategien für eine erfolgreiche Social Media Marketing-Kampagne?

    Die wichtigsten Strategien für eine erfolgreiche Social Media Marketing-Kampagne sind eine klare Zielsetzung, eine zielgruppengenaue Ansprache und regelmäßige Interaktion mit den Followern. Zudem ist es entscheidend, hochwertigen und relevanten Content zu erstellen, der die Nutzer anspricht und zum Teilen animiert. Eine kontinuierliche Analyse und Optimierung der Kampagne sind ebenfalls unerlässlich, um den Erfolg langfristig zu sichern.

  • Wie kann man die Sichtbarkeit einer Website durch Suchmaschinenoptimierung verbessern?

    Die Sichtbarkeit einer Website kann durch Suchmaschinenoptimierung verbessert werden, indem relevante Keywords in den Inhalt integriert werden, Meta-Tags optimiert werden und hochwertige Backlinks von anderen Websites generiert werden. Außerdem ist es wichtig, regelmäßig neuen und relevanten Content zu veröffentlichen, um die Website aktuell zu halten und von Suchmaschinen besser gerankt zu werden. Eine technisch einwandfreie Website-Struktur und schnelle Ladezeiten sind ebenfalls entscheidend für eine gute Sichtbarkeit in den Suchergebnissen.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Website:

  • Search Engine Marketing, Inc.: Driving Search Traffic to Your Company's Website
    Search Engine Marketing, Inc.: Driving Search Traffic to Your Company's Website

    The #1 Step-by-Step Guide to Search Marketing Success...Now Updated and Reorganized to Help You Drive Even More Value   For years, Search Engine Marketing, Inc. has been the definitive practical guide to driving value from search. Now, Mike Moran and Bill Hunt have completely rewritten their best-seller to present valuable new strategies, best practices, and lessons from experience.   Their revamped and reorganized Third Edition introduces a holistic approach that integrates organic and paid search, and complements them both with social media. This new approach can transform the way you think about search, plan it, and profit from it.   Moran and Hunt address every business, writing, and technical element of successful search engine marketing. Whatever your background, they help you fill your skills gaps and leverage the experience you already have.   You’ll learn how search engines and search marketing work today, and how to segment searchers based on their behavior, successfully anticipating what they’re looking for. You’ll walk through formulating your custom program: identifying goals, assessing where you stand, estimating costs, choosing strategy, and gaining buy-in. Next, you’ll focus on execution: identifying challenges, diagnosing and fixing problems, measuring performance, and continually improving your program. You’ll learn how to Focus relentlessly on business value, not tactics Overcome the obstacles that make search marketing so challenging Get into your searcher’s mind, and discover how her behavior may change based on situation or device Understand what happens technically when a user searches—and make the most of that knowledge Create a focused program that can earn the support it will need to succeed Clarify your goals and link them to specific measurements Craft search terms and copy that attracts your best prospects and customers Optimize content by getting writers and tech people working together Address the critical challenges of quality in both paid and organic search Avoid overly clever tricks that can destroy your effectiveness Identify and resolve problems as soon as they emerge Redesign day-to-day operating procedures to optimize search performance Whether you’re a marketer, tech professional, product manager, or content specialist, this guide will help you define realistic goals, craft a best-practices program for achieving them, and implement it flawlessly.   NEW COMPANION WEBSITE PACKED WITH TOOLS AND RESOURCES includes exclusive tools, deeper explorations of key search management techniques, and updates on emerging trends in the field  

    Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Social Media Analytics: Techniques and Insights for Extracting Business Value Out of Social Media
    Social Media Analytics: Techniques and Insights for Extracting Business Value Out of Social Media

    Transform Raw Social Media Data into Real Competitive Advantage   There’s real competitive advantage buried in today’s deluge of social media data. If you know how to analyze it, you can increase your relevance to customers, establishing yourself as a trusted supplier in a cutthroat environment where consumers rely more than ever on “public opinion” about your products, services, and experiences.   Social Media Analytics is the complete insider’s guide for all executives and marketing analysts who want to answer mission-critical questions and maximize the business value of their social media data. Two leaders of IBM’s pioneering Social Media Analysis Initiative offer thorough and practical coverage of the entire process: identifying the right unstructured data, analyzing it, and interpreting and acting on the knowledge you gain.   Their expert guidance, practical tools, and detailed examples will help you learn more from all your social media conversations, and avoid pitfalls that can lead to costly mistakes.   You’ll learn how to: Focus on the questions that social media data can realistically answer Determine which information is actually useful to you—and which isn’t Cleanse data to find and remove inaccuracies Create data models that accurately represent your data and lead to more useful answers Use historical data to validate hypotheses faster, so you don’t waste time Identify trends and use them to improve predictions Drive value “on-the-fly” from real-time/ near-real-time and ad hoc analyses Analyze text, a.k.a. “data at rest” Recognize subtle interrelationships that impact business performance Improve the accuracy of your sentiment analyses Determine eminence, and distinguish “talkers” from true influencers Optimize decisions about marketing and advertising spend Whether you’re a marketer, analyst, manager, or technologist, you’ll learn how to use social media data to compete more effectively, respond more rapidly, predict more successfully…grow profits, and keep them growing.  

    Preis: 19.25 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Social Media Analytics: Techniques and Insights for Extracting Business Value Out of Social Media
    Social Media Analytics: Techniques and Insights for Extracting Business Value Out of Social Media

    Transform Raw Social Media Data into Real Competitive Advantage   There’s real competitive advantage buried in today’s deluge of social media data. If you know how to analyze it, you can increase your relevance to customers, establishing yourself as a trusted supplier in a cutthroat environment where consumers rely more than ever on “public opinion” about your products, services, and experiences.   Social Media Analytics is the complete insider’s guide for all executives and marketing analysts who want to answer mission-critical questions and maximize the business value of their social media data. Two leaders of IBM’s pioneering Social Media Analysis Initiative offer thorough and practical coverage of the entire process: identifying the right unstructured data, analyzing it, and interpreting and acting on the knowledge you gain.   Their expert guidance, practical tools, and detailed examples will help you learn more from all your social media conversations, and avoid pitfalls that can lead to costly mistakes.   You’ll learn how to: Focus on the questions that social media data can realistically answer Determine which information is actually useful to you—and which isn’t Cleanse data to find and remove inaccuracies Create data models that accurately represent your data and lead to more useful answers Use historical data to validate hypotheses faster, so you don’t waste time Identify trends and use them to improve predictions Drive value “on-the-fly” from real-time/ near-real-time and ad hoc analyses Analyze text, a.k.a. “data at rest” Recognize subtle interrelationships that impact business performance Improve the accuracy of your sentiment analyses Determine eminence, and distinguish “talkers” from true influencers Optimize decisions about marketing and advertising spend Whether you’re a marketer, analyst, manager, or technologist, you’ll learn how to use social media data to compete more effectively, respond more rapidly, predict more successfully…grow profits, and keep them growing.  

    Preis: 14.97 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • No Bullshit Social Media: The All-Business, No-Hype Guide to Social Media Marketing
    No Bullshit Social Media: The All-Business, No-Hype Guide to Social Media Marketing

    The In-Your-Face, Results-Focused, No-“Kumbaya” Guide to Social Media for Business! Detailed techniques for increasing sales, profits, market share, and efficiency Specific solutions for brand-building, customer service, R&D, and reputation management Facts, statistics, real-world case studies, and rock-solid metrics Stop hiding from social media--or treating it as if it’s a playground. Start using it strategically. Identify specific, actionable goals. Apply business discipline and proven best practices. Stop fearing risks. Start mitigating them. Measure performance. Get results. You can. This book shows you how.   Jason Falls and Erik Deckers serve up practical social media techniques and metrics for building brands, strengthening awareness, improving service, optimizing R&D, driving better leads--and closing more sales.   “Conversations” and “communities” are wonderful, but they’re not enough. Get this book and get what you really want from social media: profits.   Think social media’s a passing fad? Too risky? Just a toy? Too soft and fuzzy? Not for your business? Wake up! It’s where your customers are. And it ain’t going away. Does that suck? No. It doesn’t. Do social media right, and all those great business buzzwords come true. Actionable. Measurable. And...wait for comes the big one. Profitable. Damn profitable.   Want to know how to do it right? We’ll show you. And, yeah, we know how because we’ve done it. This is the bullshit-free, lie-free, fluff-free, blessedly non-New-Age real deal. You’re going to learn how to use social media to deliver absolutely killer customer service. How to R&D stuff people actually want. Develop scads of seriously qualified leads. You’ll figure out what you want. You know, the little things like profits, market share, loyalty, and brand power. You’ll figure out how to measure it. And then you’ll go get it.   One more thing. We know what scares you about social media. Screwing up (a.k.a., your mug on the front page of The Wall Street Journal). So we’ll tell you what to do so that won’t happen. Ever. No B.S. in this book. Just facts. Metrics. Best practices. Stuff to warm the hearts of your CFO, CEO, all your C-whatevers. And, yeah, you. So get your head out from under the pillow. Get your butt in gear. Let’s go make some money.

    Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Welches Buch zum Thema Online-Marketing und Social-Media-Marketing könnt ihr empfehlen?

    Ein Buch, das ich empfehlen kann, ist "Online-Marketing: Grundlagen, Konzepte und Instrumente" von Erwin Lammenett. Es bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über alle relevanten Themen im Online-Marketing, einschließlich Social-Media-Marketing. Das Buch ist gut strukturiert und vermittelt praxisnahe Tipps und Strategien für eine erfolgreiche Online-Marketing-Kampagne. Ein weiteres empfehlenswertes Buch ist "Social Media Marketing: Strategien für Twitter, Facebook & Co." von Tamar Weinberg. Es behandelt speziell das Thema Social-Media-Marketing und gibt einen detaillierten Einblick in die verschiedenen Plattformen und deren Nutzungsmöglichkeiten. Das Buch enthält viele praktische Beispiele und Fallstudien, die helfen, die Strategien besser zu verstehen und umzusetzen.

  • Wie kann man die Sichtbarkeit und Auffindbarkeit einer Website durch Suchmaschinenoptimierung verbessern?

    1. Durch die Verwendung relevanter Keywords in Titeln, Meta-Beschreibungen und im Textinhalt. 2. Durch regelmäßige Aktualisierung von Inhalten und Verbesserung der Ladezeiten. 3. Durch den Aufbau von Backlinks von anderen vertrauenswürdigen Websites.

  • Wie kann die Conversion Rate Optimization dazu beitragen, die Effektivität einer Website oder einer Online-Kampagne zu steigern?

    Durch die Conversion Rate Optimization können Schwachstellen auf der Website identifiziert und optimiert werden, um die Nutzererfahrung zu verbessern. Dies führt zu einer höheren Konversionsrate und damit zu mehr Conversions. Eine gesteigerte Effektivität der Website oder Online-Kampagne kann somit erreicht werden.

  • Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Social Media Marketing und Social Network Marketing?

    Social Media Marketing bezieht sich auf die Verwendung von sozialen Medienplattformen wie Facebook, Instagram oder Twitter, um Marketingbotschaften zu verbreiten und mit der Zielgruppe zu interagieren. Social Network Marketing hingegen konzentriert sich speziell auf die Nutzung von sozialen Netzwerken wie LinkedIn oder Xing, um geschäftliche Beziehungen aufzubauen und professionelle Kontakte zu knüpfen. Während Social Media Marketing eher auf breite Zielgruppen ausgerichtet ist, zielt Social Network Marketing darauf ab, gezielt mit bestimmten Personen oder Unternehmen in Verbindung zu treten.

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